Go tell your friends about it what god has done for you
Go tell your friends about it what god has done for you

go tell your friends about it what god has done for you

The really dangerous thing about this is that we move backwards so slowly it can be hard to notice. Whenever we are not moving forward with the Lord, we are not just standing still. This is why in Proverbs 13:20 it states, “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Notice how this verse looks forward to the future affect your friends have on you (“become wise” and “will suffer”). If This Friendship Is Preventing You from Moving Forward in Life, This Often Means God Wants You to End This FriendshipĪs the common saying goes, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” It’s really true.

go tell your friends about it what god has done for you

With that said, here are 4 common signs God will give you when he wants you to end a friendship.ġ.


Pray for wisdom on how to lovingly end a friendship while also protecting your own heart as Proverbs 4:23 commands. Each type of friendship is different some are serious because you’ve known someone a longtime and some are not because you just started hanging out. I say all that because in this article I’m not going to be covering how you should end a friendship. At other times God will tell you to abruptly cut this person out of your life because you’ve already tried to talk about the issues in the friendship but this person is not listening and is toxic to be around. Sometimes a friendship needs to end gradually by simply hanging out with this person less because God wants you to put your energy somewhere else. If God does lead you to end a friendship, this does not mean you now need to be enemies with this person.

Go tell your friends about it what god has done for you